Nice to meet you!
We invite you to discover our history that has started in the last century but remains present in our future´vision.

Our story began many years ago with three brothers and a suitcase full of dreams. In time, each small achievement confirmed they were on the right track.
In 1947 the three founding brothers left Italy for the fertile lands of Venezuela where they began a radiator repair business and planted the seeds for the future.

In 1954, the brothers expanded from repairing to manufacturing copper and brass radiators. INFRA was born.
INFRA = Industrial Nacional Fábrica de Radiadores S.A.

The business grew rapidly.
In 1961, Infra positioned itself as the main supplier of General Motors and Chrysler.

A few years later, INFRA began the production of mechanically expanded aluminum radiators.
By 1982 the product line had expanded to include the vacuum brazing process.
Worldwide pioneers in performing this procedure.

The company expanded its operations to Italy under the trade name FrigAir
Six years later they expanded their operations and FrigAir France was born.

The new millennium brought expansion, many projects, and more recognitions.
INFRA has won the Q1 Award from Ford Motor Company.
Also, has been selected as Supplier of the year awarded by General Motors.

HACtec (Heating Air Conditioning Technology) opens in the United States to meet the need for quality OEM and aftermarket equipment.
Two years later, FrigAir Iberia was born.

Techrad (Zhejiang) Automotive Thermal System Corp. was established in 2006 in Hangzhou, China.
Techrad has the capacity to manufacture more than 300k radiators a year.
FrigAir Deutschland, the latest of the subsidiaries, started in 2008.

INFRA was certified with QS-9000 and ISO 9001 Certified and ISO 14001
Supporting the new generations, living the adrenaline of motorcycle Racing and being prepared for what the future holds for motor vehicles!
Today, our company offers +10,000 references, internationally distributing spare parts for engine cooling systems and A/C systems for cars, trucks and vans.
With over 20.000 sqm of
combined warehouse space in
Europe and two manufacturers to
satisfy our customers' needs with
accuracy and reliability.
Our mission is to provide our customers with exceptional products and services that meet their needs while fostering strong and lasting relationships.
We are committed to quality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, which enables us to continuously improve
and ensure the stability of our company.

Cultivating enduring and trustworthy global client relationships. We strive to foster a 'FrigAir Culture' that empowers our workforce, ensuring their growth and alignment with the company's values.
This culture extends to preserving a sustainable environment for our people and future generations.
Our company's financial health fuels this vision, enhancing both employee livelihoods and investor returns.
FrigAir means QUALITY and INNOVATION .
And also, TRUST!
For we have reliably manufactured and distributed OE (original equipment) for the last 30 years.
for +70% of our
orders are online.

Our entire range of 940 compressors is made by recycling used OE components, entirely restored to their original conditions, using highly advanced technological and industrial production processes.
But most importantly, FrigAir means COMMITMENT!
Our people are our most valuable asset because they work with
passion everyday to make the company grow.
Supporting the new generations, living the adrenaline of motorcycle Racing and being prepared for what the future holds for motor vehicles!
We are committed to continuously challenge ourselves, to be our customers’ preferred partner, actively participate in their business, and to make their lives easier.